Understand your Sales Potential: Opportunity Screening in Emerging Markets
Opportunity screening is a simple and direct way to understand your sales potential in Turkey, Middle East, and North Africa.
We identify your potential customers in a chosen segment, make a long list and approach them one-by-one to conduct phone interviews. We learn their current business, supply situation and their interest in your company & products. In this way, we evaluate the real business potential for you in each company. In addition, this is a great way to introduce you directly to your potential customers and generate leads for your sales team.
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Valuable Information That We Collect about Target Customers
We can identify the following information even before you step in the market:
- Target customers’ situation: Current business, technologies used, supply situation
- Target customers’ current partners and preferred suppliers
- Satisfaction levels, direct feedback about their needs, and problems
- Purchase plans of target customers to estimate the market potential for you
Methodology for Screening the Opportunities
- Targeting the market entry sectors
- Identifying potential customers in each target sector
- Longlisting all major players
- Questionnaire design
- Interviews
- Analysis and reporting
Client Example for Opportunity Screening in Turkey
Client situation: A world giant in metal forming technologies, headquartered in Europe, was willing to enlarge its business in Turkey and identify the market potential in automotive, defense, large pipes, packaging, home appliances, railway, drives, and generator industries.
Project scope: FMC Consulting designed a 2-phase project together with the client. First phase was taking the snapshots of the 7 industries (automotive tier 1-3, home appliances, packaging, defense, large pipe, railway, drives & generators) that our client was active to understand where to focus first. 65 phone interviews were conducted in total in this phase to identify the current operations of the players and their investment plans. Subsequently, 4 industries were selected as potential target markets: Automotive tier 1-3, defense, packaging, and large pipes.
Second phase was analyzing deeply these selected 4 markets. The number of potential companies in each sector was estimated by a top-down analysis based on statistics. Accordingly, 1,215 companies were surveyed for automotive tier 1-3 by CATI method (bottom-up analysis) to cover a representative portion of the market. For the other industries, a mixture of phone and face-to-face interviews were chosen: 70 phone & 16 face-to-face for defense, 57 phone & 11 face-to-face for packaging, 18 phone & 6 face-to-face for large pipes.
Result: The client clearly saw where the market potential lies and developed strategies in each sector based on the insight provided directly from the players in the market. Another advantage was that our client has been introduced directly to a high number of potential customers. Furthermore, the project ended with organizing meetings for the sales team of our client. Our client turned these meetings in to actual sales.