Benchmarking in Turkey, UAE, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt
We identify your major competition in the market. By in-depth analysis of these companies and their local activities, we compare them with your own position and conduct benchmarking studies. The data that we use to compare are a combination of desk research, our estimations, expert opinions, and direct observations in the market.
We can benchmark the leading local players with your own brand & position. Furthermore, we can do a SWOT analysis and identify growth opportunities for you.
Get in touch with us
Advantages of Competition Analysis with FMC Group
- More than 20 years of market research expertise
- Project experience from many different sectors e.g.
- Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Plastics and Rubber
- Machinery
- Electronics and Automation
- Energy, Environment, Recycling and Mining
- Metals and Metal Parts
- Construction Materials
- Other Manufacturing (niche segments)
- Construction and Real Estate
- Healthcare Services, Medical Equipment and Pharmaceuticals
- Retail
- Logistics and Shipbuilding
- Food, Beverage and Tobacco
- Furniture, Forestry Products, Paper
- Automotive
- Textile and Ready Wear
- Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
- Financial Services
- White Goods and Electronic Appliances
- Defense and Aviation
- Consultancy and Human Resources
- Tourism
- No matter how niche the sector is, we look at the market through the eyes of our clients, talk to the right people and understand how to filter the relevant data.
- Integrate our clients into the project steering, enabling them to dynamically adjust the research focus according to upcoming findings.
- Project insights are custom-made according to your own business segment.
Typical Benchmarking Scope in Emerging Markets for Industrial Companies
1. Background Information
- Year of foundation
- Number of employees
- Key personnel
- Company structure and shareholders
- Local organization
- Turnover
- Export
2. Products & Production Process
- Range of products
- Production sites and sizes
- Production process, machinery & equipment
- Production capacity
- Suppliers
3. Sales & Marketing
- Estimation studies
- Key customers and industries
- Sales channels
- Price levels
- Payment & delivery conditions
- Marketing activities
Typical Benchmarking Scope in Emerging Markets for Retail Companies
The following criteria can be explored in-depth as far as available:
- Comparison of brands
- General information about each brand (history, sales volume & value, store locations)
- Products offered / merchandise groups / collections
- Price ranges per group
- Store checks and mystery shoppings
Project Examples for Benchmarking
European Manufacturer: Benchmarking with its Local Competitors
Client situation: A European manufacturer wanted understand their competitiveness in comparison with leading local competitors in the market.
Project Scope: A comprehensive study has been conducted to understand and compare the companies in terms of production process, products, prices, cost structure, sales & marketing and strategy. Market review had been included to provide a wider understanding of the local dynamics.
Result: Positioning of our client in Turkey and the real reasons behind the success of the market leaders were identified. As a result, improvement areas became transparent to take the necessary actions.
Global Apparel Company: Understanding the Local Operations of the Global Competitors
Client situation: A global fashion brand wanted to develop a succcessfull market entry strategy and an action plan. In addition to a comprehensive market research study, a competition analysis was also very important to understand the local perceptions & situations of its competitors in Turkey.
Project Scope: 10 selected brands analyzed in-depth from all angles; local organisation, history, sales value & volume, store locations, merchandise groups, price ranges per selected products and store checks. Furthermore, marketing & advertising activities were also analyzed.
Result: Our client was surprised to see that local dynamics were totally different than expected and their successful brand strategy did not fit to the local market.
Global Retailer: Understanding the Local Market and Local Competition
Client situation: Our client, a global retailer, wanted to enter Turkish market and needed detailed market and competition insights.
Project Scope: As part of a market research study, stores of their main competitors were analyzed in depth: Market structure, number, size & location of stores, items sold, number of employees & salaries, sales & marketing concepts, prices & payment terms, etc.
Result: A comprehensive report and a board presentation to decide on the market entry and strategy.