Which Recruitment Agency Should I Select for My New Company in Turkey
Did you know that there are around 700 licensed recruitment agencies in Turkey? Which should be the criteria to select the one most suitable to your needs? Particularly if you are new in the market, you will certainly need a reliable local partner.
FMC Human Resources is our brand under the umbrella of FMC Group, specialized in recruitment services. We believe that we provide an outstanding service thanks to our corporate standards and qualified consultants.
A Recruitment Agency Which Can Really Understand the Needs of International Companies
Companies may use internal or external sources to hire new employees. Which one should be preferred is of course a budget matter at first and depends on the availability of internal human resource departments. Companies should not ignore another crucial factor: The contribution of an outsider’s viewpoint, to make objective evaluations on how people and companies fit together. The main target in a recruitment project is not finding “the best candidate” but finding “the best match”. To do that, the recruiter should really understand what you are looking for.
Starting from the first message or meeting where our communication begins, we have this goal: To Understand. Particularly in our detailed kick-off meeting as the first step in our process, we will be asking many questions not only to understand the job description and the required qualifications, but also your global presence, company culture, if there is any history in the local market, what the position can offer to the candidate, as well as your special preferences for the recruitment process, as we can create a tailor-made solution for your needs.
Our kick-off meetings usually last one hour so that we can efficiently go over all the details at the beginning and do not disturb you afterwards. We know that late questions cause time loss for everyone in a recruitment process.
Our English, German, and French speaking consultants are ready to support you as soon as we receive your request.
A Recruitment Agency Experienced in New Organizations
New organizations bring opportunities and challenges together. First employees of a company have higher chances to get promotions later. Besides, it makes it possible for an employee to experience very different tasks and disciplines, which would not be possible in larger organizations with already established departments where everyone has a particular focus. As not everyone fits to new organizations, with our expertise in this field, we explain all these challenges and opportunities to the candidates well and identify if they are ready and motivated to work in such an environment.
A Recruitment Agency Which Can Really Understand the Needs of Candidates
A good salary is not the only reason for a job change, and usually not the only long-term motivation source for an employee. A good leader knows that each employee gets his or her motivation from a different thing. Similarly, a good recruiter knows that the motivation for a particular job varies. If the position cannot satisfy the employee in the long-term, even when the position is closed, it cannot be called a successful recruitment. We know that to overcome this problem, our focus in our communication with the candidates should be: To Understand. Particularly in our in-depth interviews, we ask questions related to the experience, skills, preferences, and goals of the candidate, to make sure that we have a clear picture of what the person is looking for. It does not stop there, as we continue with this purpose in all our calls, emails, and messages, both before and after other steps in the process.
A Recruitment Agency Which is Reliable and Transparent to Both Parties
It may be difficult for an internal hiring manager to overcome subjectivity and operational blindness. A good recruiter can enlighten hiring managers so that they can objectively see if a candidate is really a good match for the company or not. This is only possible in a transparent communication with a reliable recruiter.
A recruiter’s job is not only screening the resumes and forwarding to the client the ones which meet the qualifications listed on the advert. When informing the hiring manager about the candidates, all strengths and weaknesses of candidates, as well as question marks and risks related to them, should be put into a well-structured report in a clear, concise and honest way. We would like to underline the word “honest”, because a recruiter should never promote a candidate in order to close the project as soon as possible but should always consider the long-term sustainability of the relationship between the employer and the prospective employee. He should show empathy and act as if he would be in the position of the hiring manager to work with that employee, to see what benefits and harms the person can bring with. Afterwards, all the comments on the candidate’s skills and character should be put in front of the client as an objective analysis. The recruiter should not be afraid of underlining negative points about candidates and should keep in mind that showing the reality as it is will not only ensure identifying the best matches, but also help the recruiter to build a trust relationship with his client.
Similarly, the shortcomings of the position to satisfy an overqualified candidate should also be highlighted. There are many candidates who accept job offers even though they are not exactly satisfied with the job definition or salary package. They do this not to remain unemployed, and later accept another job offer whenever they get the opportunity. To eliminate such job hoppers, a recruiter should ask himself if he is convinced about the motivation of the candidate for the position and if this is really a “best match”.
We are self-confident and courageous enough to remain honest in the process, even if it costs us a few more weeks to eliminate some candidates and find new ones. We know that Turkey has a large and good talent pool, and we can identify sooner or later the right people for our clients.
Reference check is a crucial step in our process to ensure reliability. It can be a standard step at another agency to fill in the blanks, but we do it again to really understand if the references feel good about the employee or if there is any question mark, which we can identify in our interviews with them. We provide a detailed reference report following those interviews, including all their comments word by word.
A Recruitment Agency Which Has a Long History and Good References
Do you have more than 20 years of experience in hiring in Turkey? We do. We build long-term and trust-based relations with our clients, guide them with our expertise during the whole process, foresee and prevent problems before they occur; hence, most of our clients continue to order new positions. We appreciate their trust in our work and pay utmost attention to keep the same quality level.
A Recruitment Agency Which Offers Not the Lowest or the Highest Fee
A recruitment process has certain costs for the agency. Both manpower and advert costs are in an increasing trend. There is tough competition among the agencies, and we believe that we offer competitive fees. We are not at the bottom or top of the market. We believe that our fees are reasonable, considering that we use different job boards for our ads, allocate a considerable amount of time for our interviews and direct search, provide several months of warranty after the person starts working, and more importantly, we allocate the best consultants in the market to your project.
Get In Touch With Us
Emrah Ülkü is the Project Manager responsible for the recruitment projects in Turkey.
He joined FMC Group in 2011 as a consultant to carry out market research projects. Since 2017, he has been leading recruitment projects for our international clients from various industries and continues to support market research projects.
Before joining FMC Group, Emrah worked as an Economist at the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) between 2004 and 2008, where he participated in corporate lending and corporate finance projects and carried out various market analyses. Between 2008 and 2011, he worked at the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) as a Research Analyst.
Emrah holds a BA degree in Economics from Koc University, Turkey. He is fluent in Turkish & English, and upper-intermediate in German.